Click here for the Ohtani Shohei × Oi Ocha Special Site

A gift from the tea plantation
to someone special .

"Green Tea for Family is a new tradition of giving tea
to express gratitude to your loved ones."
A project launched by Ito En and Shohei Otani to commemorate “
Japanese Tea Day” on October 1.
This is a part of the “Green Tea for Good” social contribution project.
To those dear to you,
and to those with whom you wish to deepen your bond.
Share a heartfelt moment.

Green Tea for Family Campaign
(Give the gift of tea to your loved ones)​​

From Monday, September 23, 2024, 8:00 to Thursday, October 31, 23:59​


Original tea gift package for your loved one​


A total 500 pairs of winners
( 1000 people) will be selected by drawing.​

Gift Package Contents:​
  1. ① Oi Ocha Gyokuro “HITOTOKI”
  2. ② Drip bag Oi Ocha Gyokuro
  3. ③ “HITOTOKI” glass

Oi Ocha Gyokuro “HITOTOKI”​​

"HITOTOKI" was named with the hope that you will enjoy a happy moment with your loved ones, accompanied by this tea.
100% Uji Gyokuro, characterized by its mellow aroma and mild flavor. You can enjoy each flavor of the carefully brewed bottled tea and the flavorful drip bag tea as if brewed in a kyusu (Japanese teapot). Enjoy an important moment in your busy daily life.​​​

Application Method

You can apply through the campaign application form on this page or through X by following our official account & posting with ‘#大切な人へお茶を贈ろう(Give the gift of tea to your loved ones)’​



From Monday, September 23, 2024, 8:00 to Thursday, October 31, 23:59​
How to apply​
Apply through the campaign application form on this page or through X by following our official account & posting with ‘#大切な人へお茶を贈ろう(Give the gift of tea to your loved ones)’​
Green Tea for Family original tea gift package for your loved one​ “HITOTOKI”​
Number of prize-winners​
500 pairs, total 1000 people​

・This campaign is limited to Participants living in Japan and with a valid address for the delivery of prizes.
・Each Participant is limited to one (1) chance to win this campaign.
・If the prize cannot be delivered due to an incomplete or incorrect address or registered information at the time of winning, the prize may be invalidated.
・We will not be able to change or return the prize after the prize has been won.
・Winning rights are only valid for the participant and cannot be transferred to a third party or redeemed for cash.
・Resale of the prizes through online auctions, etc., is prohibited.


Before entering this campaign, ​Please read the terms and conditions below.​
You can only participate in the campaign if you agree to the terms and conditions.​

Oi Ocha 「大切な人へ、お茶を贈ろう。」(Give the gift of tea to your loved ones)Campaign Terms of Use and Important Points

■Campaign name
Oi Ocha 「大切な人へ、お茶を贈ろう。」(Give the gift of tea to your loved ones) (hereafter named as “Campaign”)

■Application method
Fill in the required information on the application form accessed on the special website ( and apply.

■Prize details
500 pairs of 1000 people will win the following prizes after a lottery draw:
Oi Ocha Gyokuro “HITOTOKI”
Drip bag Oi Ocha Gyokuro “HITOTOKI”
“HITOTOKI” glass

■Application period
From Monday September 23 2024 8:00 to Thursday October 31 23:59

■Announcement of winners and delivery of prizes
Winners will be notified registered emails around mid-November. Please note that if you are not able to provide the necessary information for your trip by the response date stated in the winner's notification your selection may be voided.
If you win we will contact you by email from “”
Please enable the domain “” so that you can receive emails from this domain.
Only the winners of this Campaign will be notified of the drawing results.
We will not be able to respond to any inquiries regarding the drawing results.
Winning rights are solely for the winner and may not be transferred or redeemed for cash. Resale of the prizes is prohibited.
Please note that we will not be able to notify the winners again except in special circumstances.

■Applicable Terms of Use
Before participating in this Campaign please read the following terms and conditions of this Campaign (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms of Use”). You may participate in this campaign only if you read and agree to the following Terms of Use. Participants will be deemed to have agreed to these Terms of Use and will not object to these Terms of Use or the manner in which this Campaign is administered.
A “Participant” is defined as a person who has participated in any of the activities of this Campaign such as submitting an entry or making a contribution to this Campaign.

■Campaign Administration
ITO EN Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) will be in charge of all operations of the Campaign. The Company reserves the right to revise add modify or abolish these Terms and Conditions after notifying users and to take any other necessary measures to ensure appropriate operation. In such case the Company shall post a notice on the official website or otherwise make the revised Terms of Use and the revised contents of the Terms of Use known to the public through appropriate means and unless otherwise stated the revised Terms of Use shall become effective as of the date of publication of the revised Terms of Use.
This campaign has no relationship with X (formerly known as Twitter).

■Application Guidelines
Please read all of the following application requirements and only apply if you agree to them.
Entries will be invalidated if the Company determines that the requirements for entry have not been met.
In addition if the Company determines that a Participant does not meet the entry requirements after winning the entry and winning will be voided and the Company may demand the return of the winning prize and other items from the Participant.

This campaign is limited to Participants living in Japan and with a valid address for the delivery of prizes.
Each Participant is limited to one (1) chance to win this campaign.
If the prize cannot be delivered due to an incomplete or incorrect address or registered information at the time of winning the prize may be invalidated.
We will not be able to change or return the prize after the prize has been won.
Winning rights are only valid for the participant and cannot be transferred to a third party or redeemed for cash.
Resale of the prizes through online auctions etc. is prohibited.
ITO EN's employees and related persons are not eligible to apply.

ITO EN will manage the personal information provided by the Participants. It will not be used for any purpose other than promotional purposes prize delivery and marketing and it will be done in a way that does not personally identify any participant.

■Attention Items
Entries and winning rights will be void if any of the following apply:

If the Company's communication does not reach you this does not include cases attributable to the Company.
If the Participant fails to reply to the Company's communication by the due date.
If we cannot deliver the prize notification of winning or winning documents due to reasons such as the Participant's address being unknown or unreachable.
In the event that the Participant does not meet the entry requirements set forth by the Company.
If it is discovered that a Participant has committed a fraudulent act* in entering this campaign.

*Fraudulent acts include unauthorized access to the campaign site unauthorized acquisition of social media accounts or e-mail addresses or registration or application of false names e-mail addresses or other information.

※Participants are responsible for all Internet communication and connection fees to the Campaign site. Please note that we are not responsible for any connection problems during communication.

■Changes Suspension or Cancellation of the Campaign
The Company reserves the right to change suspend or discontinue the contents or prizes of this campaign or change the address (URL) of this campaign without prior notice to participants in the event of any of the following events or at the Company's discretion and participants agree to such changes. The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by the participant or any third party due to such changes.

In the event of periodic or emergency maintenance or inspection of hardware software etc.
In the event that the operation of this campaign becomes impossible due to system malfunction etc.
In the event that this campaign cannot be operated due to computer system malfunction unauthorized access from a third party computer virus infection etc.
In the event that this campaign cannot be operated due to fire power outage etc.
In the event that this campaign cannot be operated due to natural disasters such as earthquakes floods tsunamis or volcanic eruptions or due to the spread of infectious diseases.
In the event that the operation of this campaign becomes impossible due to war upheaval riot disturbance labor dispute etc.
In the event that the operation of this campaign becomes impossible due to laws legal restrictions or guidance from government agencies etc.
In the event that this campaign cannot be operated due to changes in social media rules specification changes social media system malfunctions restrictions on this campaign by social media guidance or any other measures etc.
In addition if we decide to change suspend or discontinue this campaign due to operational or technical reasons.

In the event of any failure or malfunction of the system equipment or other system equipment on which this campaign operates we will in good faith promptly restore the system.
In the event that a participant or a third party suffers any damage due to the failure of the system equipment etc. or system malfunction described in the preceding paragraph the Company shall not be liable for such damage unless it is caused by the Company's willful misconduct or gross negligence.
The Company does not guarantee the accuracy reliability usefulness or any other matters of the information provided in this Campaign or e-mails to participants regardless of whether such information is provided in response to participants' requests and shall not be liable for any results obtained from the use of such information.
In addition to the above we will not be liable for any damages incurred by participants as a result of their participation in this campaign as long as we manage this campaign properly. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding sentence the Company shall not be liable even if there is no willful act or gross negligence on the part of the Company.
If the contract regarding participation in this Campaign based on these Terms of Use constitutes a consumer contract as defined in the Consumer Contract Act the portion of these Terms of Use that completely exempts the Company from liability for damages shall not apply and the Company shall be liable for damages within the scope of direct and ordinary damages except in cases arising from the intentional misconduct or gross negligence of the Company.

■Governing Law
Participation in this Campaign and the interpretation and application of these Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan unless otherwise expressly provided.

■Chosen Jurisdiction
Any dispute arising between the Company and a Participant shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.

In the event that a dispute arises between a Participant and a third party concerning the contents of an entry or the use of this campaign the Participant shall resolve the dispute at the Participant's own responsibility and expense and shall hold the Company harmless from any and all damages. In the unlikely event that any damage is caused to the Company the Company may demand compensation from the Participant in question.

■Handling of Personal Information
Your personal information will be strictly managed in accordance with our “Personal Information Protection Policy.”

Privacy Policy (
Personal Data Protection Guidelines (

■Purposes of Use of Personal Information
Personal information provided by Participants will be used within the scope of the following purposes of use.
To notify winners and contact them for prize delivery.
Use as statistical information that does not identify individuals for the purpose of improving prizes and services.
We will use the registered personal information to provide information on various products services and events that we deem appropriate as well as to display and advertise our products and services.
To respond to inquiries from Participants.
In addition if we add or change the purpose of use and the Participant agrees to the new purpose of use we will use the information within the scope of the new purpose of use.

■Sharing of Personal Information among Group Companies
Personal information of Participants for the “Oi Ocha 「大切な人へ、お茶を贈ろう。」(Give the gift of tea to your loved ones)”will be shared in the following scope:
(1) Items of personal information to be shared.
  Name address postal code telephone number gender date of birth and e-mail address.
(2) Scope of joint users
  ITO EN Group companies (
(3) Purposes of joint use
To simplify the input of the campaign Participants (including personal authentication at the time of login)
Email distribution advertisements optimization of websites in conjunction with attribute information and analysis of acquired information such as purchase history in a form that does not identify individuals for use and publication in order to provide advertisements regarding new products prizes and services that are most appropriate for customer participants based on their interests and preferences.
To collectively manage information on registrants for various services of the ITO EN Group that can be used with a common ID etc.
(4) Party responsible for the management of personal information used jointly:
ITO EN Ltd. (For the address and the name of the representative etc. please refer to the Company Profile page.)

■Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
We will not disclose or present your personal information to third parties outside of our subcontractors without your consent except in the following cases:
When required by law.
When it is necessary for the protection of the life body or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question.
When it is especially necessary to improve public health or to promote the sound growth of children and when it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question.
When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency or local government (or a person entrusted by such an agency or local government) in the performance of its legally prescribed duties and obtaining the consent of the person is likely to impede the performance of such duties.
We may provide the personal information of Participants handled by us to third parties in the following cases:
When we advertise or provide information through Internet advertising platforms we may provide the minimum amount of information to the platform operator after encrypting the information.
■Name of the entity to which the information is provided: Google LLC
・Location: California United States of America
・Information regarding the system for the protection of personal information in the relevant foreign country:
United States of America 
State of California
・Information on the measures taken by the entity to protect personal information:
Google Privacy Policy
Legal notices to users in Japan
Furthermore Nissen Business Corporation which has been commissioned by ITO EN to send the prizes will be provided with your personal information only within the scope of the purpose of sending the prizes.

■About Cookies
A cookie is a mechanism that stores on a Participant's computer the site browsing history input contents etc. sent and received between the Participant's computer and the Group's server when the Participant visits a website.
The Group may outsource the statistical understanding of site browsing optimal site display advertisement distribution etc. to third-party companies. Based on the outsourcing contract cookie information may be obtained from such third party. The information collected by the third-party company will be managed in accordance with its privacy policy.
If you wish to stop receiving cookies please opt-out using the following website:
Google Analytics opt-out:

■Contact information
“Oi Ocha 「大切な人へ、お茶を贈ろう。」(Give the gift of tea to your loved ones)”Office
Contact hours: Weekdays 10:00~18:00 (Except Saturday Sunday and National Holidays)

Green Tea for Family" aims to address social issues such as the psychological sense of distance caused by the increase in digital communication and the decreasing number of households. We propose a new habit of gifting tea.​


  • Thursday, September 19, 2024

    Ohtani in Japanese traditional clothing! “Green Tea for Family” launches.

    A new tradition of gifting tea to someone special, "Green Tea for Family", launches. From September 23, "【Give the gift of tea to your loved ones】campaign”, sending the gift of tea and a message, starts. Life-sized cutout of Shohei Ohtani in Japanese traditional clothing appears in all 47 prefectures of the counry from October 1, ‘Japanese Tea Day’ established by ITO EN.